

Hello everyone,

Last week we discussed values and priorities. What is really important in your life? Is it your family or career, social life or privacy? Some people spend their time playing games, others – travelling or exploring something new. Taking care of children, healthy way of life, being active, me-time, learning, helping other people, wealth, security, adventure – the list is endless. Well, it differs from one person to another and there is no right or wrong answer. Everyone is different; everyone is unique but still we have so much in common:)

After the discussion we watched a famous speech of a co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs. In this video (link below) he tells three stories of his life and urges students at Stanford University to follow their hearts. What does Jobs mean when he says: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”? Watch the video and answer the questions. Don’t worry if you find the speech difficult to understand from the first time. Watch the video as many times as needed


Watch videos on www.ted.com and find some other inspiring talks about new technologies, education, business or design. Get inspired in your everyday life, listen to new ideas, start a conversation with new people from different countries and improve your English.

Bye for now
